Dienstag, 28. August 2012

Exploring Lorna's Pass

Renown Hearts: 15      Waypoints: 16  
Points of Interest: 43      Skill challenges: 8    
Vistas: 10

Date: 28. Aug 2012

Character: Istarwyn
Race/Profession: Female Human Elementalist
Weapon/Spec: Staff

Zone Level: 25-40
Level at start: 34
Level at end: 40

High Moments:
  • The view from the Vista near the Durmand Priory is breathtaking. You can see the whole valley and mountainrange from there. 
  • I followed an eventchain that started at the False Lake. I had to collect Dwarven Artifacts for an NPC. After that was finished, the Norn took those Artifacts to his hideout. Once there, he discussed his findings with a Charr but both were interrupted by a pirate. He and his friends wanted a summoning stone back. We had to defend the Artifacts from those pirates. Once dealt with the pirates, the summoning stone needed to be escorted to a save place, Vanjir's Stead. Once there, another attempt to steal the stones was made, but i was successful in defending it again. The people at Vanjir's Stead wanted to destroy the stone and an Evil Masterlord spawned when they tried to do that. Sadly I couldn't stop him. It was a group event and he killed me. Would have loved to see, if the story stopped there or if it would have continued.
  • I teamed up with a thief and that was really fun. Never really played with one before and I discovered alot about combofields between the thief and elementalist. Great fun.

Low Moments:
  • Me and Vistas do not mix. That is a realization I made during this map. I had a hard time figurering out how to get up to most of them and if I did, I most certainly fell down at least three times before making it to the top. Need more practice!!!
  • The servers were really acting up today. I got dissconected so many times I lost count. Hopefully the new Patch fixed that problem.


No picture of the rewardchest. I dc'ed when I tried to screenshot it. At least I wrote down what I got before that happened.

Mending Shiverpeak Club of Serpent
Honed Pirate Shoulders of the Dolyak
3 Basic Transmutaiton Stones
40 Iron Ore

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